You’ll Shoot Your Eye Out!

Remember Flick, the kid in “A Christmas Story” who stuck his tounge to the metal flagpole on a triple-dog dare?

Well, Adrants newsletter had a link to Susannah Breslin’s site for submitting copy for one of their featured ads. On her site was a link to an interview she did for a site called Nerve. What caught my eye was the following picture that I recognized from one of my all-time favorite Christmas movies.

Scotty Schwartz as Flick in A Christmas Story

Scotty’s X-Rated Adventure?!?!

Of course I clicked on it to read the interview.

If anything surfaces about Rudolph and his red nose, don’t even tell me.

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3 Responses to You’ll Shoot Your Eye Out!

  1. eledteacher says:

    concerning Rudolph:
    Anyway, I heard about Schwartz turned to the X side of the films. That’s a _____ shame, somebody throwing away a perfectly good acting job. I also understand that Molly Ringwold (Pretty in Pink — ha ha, and Sixteen Candles, and Breakfast Club) did some softcore. I was interested at one point — in the interview or whatnot, they showed her remove most of her clothes to show her freckles weren’t just on her arms and face. Tragic!

    You lied to me?! Oh, great! And what you are, a cow? — Mulan

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