Which Dewey Decimal Category Are You?

Please tell me that you all remember the Dewey Decimal System! Click the link below to take a little quiz to find out where you live in the library. Me? I'm triple zero, baby. 😉


Thanks to +Michelle C (who is also a triple zero) for the quiz!?
Which Dewey Decimal Category Are You?

Please tell me that you all remember the Dewey Decimal System! Click the link below to take a little quiz to find out where you live in the library. Me? I’m triple zero, baby. 😉


Thanks to +Michelle C (who is also a triple zero) for the quiz!

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44 Responses to Which Dewey Decimal Category Are You?

  1. Brian Romano says:

    Where is the category for knowing an ungodly amount of completely useless information?

  2. Amanda Rachelle Warren says:

    How did I not get 800s? I'm in 900s! 🙂 

  3. Dawn Hart Jackson says:

    I got the 200's.

  4. Sandy Berkshier says:


  5. Kari Tedrick says:

    Apparently I'm in the 500's, both times I took it

  6. Kyla Myers says:

    900s for me.

  7. Robert Partridge says:

    Also got 000's

  8. Arthur Ledoux says:

    Got OOO's for me

  9. Mz Maau says:

    Hmmm… 900s…

  10. Junior Adams says:


  11. Jake Kern says:

    Just dump me in the Fiction wire rack.

  12. Carrie Canup says:

    500s here

  13. Micha Fire says:

    +Amanda Rachelle Warren you have to know the 900's to write about the 800's ;P

  14. Rich Griffith says:

    Ah, I came out as an 800. I can see that.

  15. Terry McNeil says:

    000's, one problem, there weren't any cooking choices…

  16. Mike Piasta says:

    I can't take any result as accurate as the vast majority of choices were things I didn't know, or would never choose. 

    I ended up with 300, which would be the second least accurate outcome.

    Cute quiz though. 

  17. Scott Cramer says:

    +Terry McNeil +Robert Partridge +Arthur Ledoux +Michelle C and I will watch over the rest of you. 😉

  18. Arthur Ledoux says:

    +Scott Cramer Who takes the first shift ?      lol

  19. Scott Cramer says:

    +Arthur Ledoux NOT IT. 😉

  20. Steven Bailey says:

    000's? Fair enough.

  21. Cyndi Q. says:

    It said specifically because I would buy a new car if I won the lottery, I'm in the 600's.

  22. Cyndi Q. says:

    I just took it again and changed liked 2 or 3 answers and got the 900's.

  23. Robert Gibson II says:


  24. Marcus Holloway says:

    500… bugga

  25. Sean Cowen says:

    And if you want to see how create I got with that categories here, take a look at +Plus Awards in the community section. ha!

  26. Maria B-R says:

    Literature 800's!

  27. Brian Blakesley says:


    I think it's broken.

  28. KarlaSue Dugger says:

    Okay, so I got 800's
    That totally surprised me. Lol

  29. Lilian Sloan says:

    600s. Hmmm…

  30. Rachel Menjivar says:

    I got a 500

  31. Patty Rose says:

    900s. Which totally makes sense to me.

  32. Michelle Roll says:

    I got 200's but I'm pretty sure that's wrong.

  33. Chris Mallory says:

    I got… 900? But, I despise history and I never read biographies… geography is okay, I guess…

  34. Patty Rose says:

    I was horrible at geography and history class. But I love learning about different cultures, and I love to draw maps. Plus, I made a habit of studying social interactions in attempt to appear normal…

  35. Damian Sanchez says:

    You got the 000's – Generalities!

    You have a passion for general knowledge and information. You love locating information in books, reference works, and on the computer. You also enjoy keeping up to date with current events. Let's face it, information is your life! And you love it!

    Yup, sounds about right for me!

  36. Marissa Curry says:

    300s. Not quite what I expected. Lol

  37. Sean Cowen says:

    You got the 900's – Geography, History, and Biographies! So, you're a social studies buff, huh? When you were a kid, you probably loved gazing at maps and you still do! You enjoy learning about historical events – anything related to wars, catastrophes, civilizations, presidents, you name it, history is your thing!

    Absolute truth.

  38. LaDonna Pride says:


  39. Alyssa Myers says:

    000 FTW ;D

  40. CK Feisal says:

    900's. Quite a surprise coz I flunked Geography and barely passed History in high school. :p

  41. Alyssa Myers says:

    Nice :p

  42. Yoon-Mi Kim says:

    900… so not right!

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