The Amazing Race 9 – Episode 2 Recap

The Amazing Race – Season 9 – Episode 2

Amazing Race BJ and Tyler
Hippies – You know… I like this team. They’re weird. I’d like to think my brother and I would have been fun like these guys. Maybe not so colorful – pink or magenta or orange pants? I can’t tell – it overpowers the color on the telly. I’m rooting for these guys. Plus they loved the Volkswagons. They are officially invited to Thanksgiving dinner at my house for that alone.

Amazing Race Eric and Jeremy
Frat Boys – Oh, I hate this team so much. To know my brother and I applied for this race and to know other people on the ‘net who have applied for this race, and they choose these two sexist Beavis and Butthead idiots? Did I mention I really hate these guys? I think it lowers the quality of the show that they don’t edit out the stupid crap these guys spew about women – like talking about the pinks and “getting into their pants” or talking about team Mo Jo and “too bad she has a boyfriend” because they could really “spank that”. Plus they just follow along to get through the race. It reminds me of all the business majors in college running around copying off each other to get through their assignments. I mean, like, there was ONE person doing something and a hundred others copying. Ah, but I digress with my nostalgic hatred of frat boy business majors. I hope this team drives off a cliff – or worse yet for them, gets lost on Brokeback Mountain.

Amazing Race Joseph and Monica
Mo Jo – This is like the amnesia team for me. I almost had to go look up their name to write this. They make me think of things like “Bennifer” and “Brangelina”. VOMIT VOMIT VOMIT. They seem nice, though, if I can stop vomiting.

Amazing Race David and Lori
Geeks – Probably not fair to call them this, but it’s the first thing that comes to mind. I really like these guys though. They seem really cool with each other and are enjoying the race instead of b*tching about it like some teams. Like, c’mon, did the sisters even ENJOY driving in Brazil?! These two seem like real people.

Amazing Race Ray and Yolanda
Black team – Is it fair to call them the “black team”? They’re in the race but I zone out whenever they have screen time. I remember the first season of American Idol, though, and Kelly Clarkson flew under the radar until the very end and then… well, you know. Grammys and all that. Guess we’ll see… I’m suspecting drama between them. Sometimes the quiet ones just snap. If they do, I hope they kamikaze whatever they’re driving at the time into the frat boys. Bwahahahaha!

Amazing Race Wanda and Desiree
Mother / Daughter – They seem pretty cool so far as a mother and daughter team go. Still, I’m not very excited by them and figure they’re going to implode at some point. I’m waiting to see how well they do when they are in a country that DOESN’T speak a form of Spanish. They’ve had a pretty good advantage to this point because of this alone. I’m surprised they havn’t done better.

Amazing Race Lake and Michelle
Married Parents – Jury is out. The guy annoys me and the woman is pretty quiet. Shades of a more mild mannered Jonathan and Victoria comes to mind every time I hear him talk. Umm… I don’t have much more to say about them. When I can’t wait for commercials I use their screen time for bathroom breaks.

Amazing Race Danielle and Dani
Pinks – It won’t be long. It won’t be long. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE it won’t be long. When they let the frat boys touch their booties, I felt like turning the channel to classier television, like Jerry Springer.

Amazing Race Fran and Barry
Old Couple – I really want to see an older couple do well, but these two… Well, I liked them more this episode than last episode. Plus I was rooting for them over the sisters. Still, they are more physical than past older couples on the show, but they REALLY need to start using their brains. They are solidly OUT next show since the herd has already been thinned.

Amazing Race Lisa and Joni
Sisters – Okay, I felt bad that they were crying. But I still cheered that THEY WERE GOING HOME. Last week’s “I peed my pants” or “My panties are falling down” or whatever the heck they were going on about… Sigh. I guess people on reality shows say they forget in the heat of the moment that there are cameras on them AT ALL TIMES, but COME ON. Jeez.

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