Simple formula. At the doctor's = not good.

I visited the doctor’s office. The nurse that called me from the waiting room asks, “How are you?”

“I’m okay. Well, other than having to be here and all.” I replied.

“True…” She pointed me to the patient room.

I waited there for a while and the nurse that comes in to check your stats before the doctor shows up came in. She asks, “So, how are you today?”

“Umm… Well, I’d say good except that I had to come to the doctor’s.”

“Oh, I suppose that’s true!” She smiled and laughed.

After she left I got to wait a while more before an intern working with the doctor came in to examine me. As part of her introduction? Yup. “How are you today?”

AHHHH!!! If I were *GOOD* I wouldn’t be at the freaking doctor’s office!!! What is wrong with these people?!

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1 Response to Simple formula. At the doctor's = not good.

  1. Joseph Toman says:

    Well of course. YOU go to some authority to see if there is something wrong which if you studied just a little bit you might know. But you give him all the symptoms. You tell him what is wrong and he because he is paid off by the drug companies not gives you a placebo or some drug he gets paid for. He has no idea what is wrong with you. So – well – lets do some thousand dollars of tests so he can make some money on this stupidy of yours. After all, you do have insurance right? And you are too stupid to take your health into your own hands. Let the gov pay. Let medicare pay or whoever. I have VA who drug you up. Nice society.

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