Life is like a box of DHARMA chocolates…

Umm… LOST last night was like a page out of Forrest Gump. Characters Nikki & Paulo (Ken & Barbie – ick!) were unceremoniously dropped on viewers this season to – in my opinion – sex up the show. After a huge fan backlash and waning ratings, the powers-that-be (no, not the Others) killed them off. Ahh, but not before a bunch of Forrest Gump-esque flashbacks trying to integrate a weak storyline about stolen diamonds and deadly paralyzing spiders into the Losties timeline to try and make it look like the story actually belonged.

C’mon guys, just admit you screwed up. Oh, and admit you stole a major part of your plot line from Gitsie Girl. She killed Ken & Barbie off by burying them alive (among other grisly fates) well before you did! *AND* She had Vincent there too, just like you did in the show! Blatant plagiarism by ABC. 😉

All props to Gitsie Girl here!

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