Honey, what was that spice you used in dinner?

I had a dream that you and I were coming out of a store – grocery I think – and I was in the parking lot ahead of you waiting by the driver’s side of the car. The car in our dreams was a much nicer black SUV than the beaters that we drive now. I turned my back to the car and your brother Darrell was leaning up against the car beside ours. He had sort of an annoyed impatient look on his face. Or since I don’t know your brother Darrell extremely well and I’ve seen that look before, perhaps that’s just the way he looks.

In any case, I think he and I talked but I don’t remember the conversation. I do remember turning back around and you were in the driver’s seat of our car – even though that’s the side that I was waiting to get into. I briefly thought “I usually drive” quickly followed by “how’d she get into the car without me seeing anything”. Oh, to be more self-aware that you’re in a dream.

Anyhow, before I could walk around and get into the passenger side of our spiffy black SUV, Darrell – who’s car had magically turned around 180 degrees and who was now in the driver’s seat and somehow I was now on the other side of his car instead of right beside ours – backed up at about forty miles per hour. I don’t know if your brother really drives like this, but you might want to mention to him that it’s not very parking lot friendly. I was smashed up into his rearview mirror and pinned against the side of his car – painlessly, much like something out of a cartoon. I remember thinking in the dream how odd that was. I was less annoyed with Darrell and more worried you were going to be upset that I hadn’t gotten into our car yet.

Now, suddenly, I’m in the back of a small single engine plane and your brother Darrell is flying with his young son Braxton in the passenger seat. As we are taking off, I’m like, “Excuse me, but I’m in your back seat.” It’s not weird to me that we were just in a grocery store parking lot and now are in an airplane taking off over what appears to be Colorado wilderness. I’m actually a little annoyed that if he doesn’t land that I’ll end up going to their house and you’ll have to drive all the way (I don’t actually know where but it felt like it was a long way away) to their house to pick me up and somehow the whole incident was going to be my fault.

Your brother doesn’t bother replying but instead seems to think this would be the perfect opportunity to scare me and he points the nose of the plane skyward and does a full loop. Once the horizon returns to normal I say, “That was fun.” Now he’s challenged and somehow manages to defy all physics and “skid” the plane in a one-eighty like some airborne version of the Dukes of Hazzard. I’d swear little gravelly pieces of clouds went flying into the tops of rediculously high pine trees we were flying toward. Just as things were getting interesting, I woke up. Of course.

I can’t wait for leftovers tonight so I can see what happens next! 😉

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1 Response to Honey, what was that spice you used in dinner?

  1. Gitsie Girl says:

    I looked up the meanings for you and these are “always” accurate. Why can’t you dream about money?!

    To dream that you are flying, signifies a sense of freedom where you had initially felt restricted and limited.

    Whether you are driving the car or a passenger, is indicative of your active role or passive role in your life…. Overall, this dream symbol is an indication of your dependence and degree of control you have on your life. If you’re a passenger, it may suggest feeling dominated or that someone else is in charge 🙂

    To dream that you are almost hit by a car, suggests that your lifestyle, beliefs or goals may be in conflict with another’s. It may also be symbolic of a jolting experience or injured pride. A car accident is likely to imply that you’re unfocused or that you need to slow down (you think?)

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