Agoo Art

This would happen to me.

Things I Cant Explain to Geico

I recently stumbled across Tony Juliano’s website and what he calls his “Agoo Art”. It’s fun. I’d encourage anyone reading this to take a look.

Here are a couple more from the gallery section:

Mars Needs Kittens
Something about cats being sucked up into a UFO makes me smile.

Chicken of the Sea
Silly… but there’s just something about the strong stance of the chicken that captivates me. Very Russell Crowe from “Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World“.

Russell Crowe

Art is subjective. You see what you see. I’ll see what I see. Just go take a look. 😉

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2 Responses to Agoo Art

  1. Tony "Baloney" Juliano says:

    Hey Scott! Thanks for the hype!

  2. Scott Cramer says:

    Tony – Thanks for stopping by and commenting! Well deserved hype, wish I could do more. 🙂

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