Winter Wonderland

You know… I know it's snowy. I know it's cold. I know there have been a million posts about it. But, gosh darn it, I think this is beautiful so I'm sharing it.

I took the picture over the weekend and Google autoawesomed it for me. If you are going to endure harsh weather, it's nice that mother nature balances it out sometimes with such wonder.

#snowphotography #autoawesome?
Winter Wonderland

You know… I know it’s snowy. I know it’s cold. I know there have been a million posts about it. But, gosh darn it, I think this is beautiful so I’m sharing it.

I took the picture over the weekend and Google autoawesomed it for me. If you are going to endure harsh weather, it’s nice that mother nature balances it out sometimes with such wonder.

#snowphotography #autoawesome

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11 Responses to Winter Wonderland

  1. Kyla Myers says:

    It is very beautiful!

  2. matthew rappaport says:

    u snow'nt sayeth? :)~ #snowduck  (make a face or watch out man! #quack  )

  3. Rene Eduardo Dominguez Calderon says:

    Real time…..

  4. Ann Foushee says:

    What a cool feature from Google!!  Another great shot!!

  5. Kristi Fahlsing says:


  6. Chad Haney says:

    So did +Halfdan Reschat escape the cold and snow?

  7. Halfdan Reschat says:

    +Chad Haney, indeed.

  8. Kristi Fahlsing says:


  9. matthew rappaport says:

    Oh you mean brrrrrly 🙂

  10. Scott Cramer says:

    Indeed, barely! The roads were crappy when we drove him to Chicago and way worse on the way home!

  11. Chad Haney says:

    If the Cramers return to Chicago in better weather, it will be easier to meet up.

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