The Amazing Race 10 – Episode 6 Recap

The Amazing Race – Season 10 – Episode 6

Good episode. Figured the Coalminers would be out but they came in first! Figured the Cho brothers would be a cool team this year but they’re morons. Figured the Beauty Queens would be morons but they’re solid racers. Figured Rob & Kimberly would implode, but they’ve embraced their collective dysfunction and work well together. Figured the Moms would be the new “Bowling Moms” but I’d rather hit myself in the head with a bowling ball than watch them. Figured the Models would be stuck-up frat boys but they’re pretty likable. Figured Peter and Sarah would be annoying and… hey I got *ONE* right! What a year.

My dream teams for the final three racers? Queens, Models, Coalminers. Why? Read on…

This week’s rundown:

David and Mary
THIS WEEK – 1st – Won a trip to a super duper resort in Jamaica!
LAST WEEK – 7th, arrived at 6:04am – SAVED BY NON ELIMINATION!
Coalminers (David & Mary) – There’s no way you guys’ll win the whole enchilada (that’s foreign food by the way). You got *lucky* with the equalizers early on in the race; you started two and a half hours later than the second to last place team and a full five hours later than the first place team and still got to catch up with everyone. You *followed* the Moms and the Cho Brothers instead of trying to get ahead! The Cho’s *gave* you the fast forward that let you come in first. Note – In the end Peter and Sarah were so late that you wouldn’t have lost but that wasn’t something you could count on. But I guess you do deserve to still be here. You aren’t the most annoying team. You aren’t the team with the worst luck. You aren’t the dumbest team. That last one is thanks to the Chos, but I’ll save that for their recap…

Dustin and Kandice
LAST WEEK – 2nd, arrived at 1:06am
Beauty Queens (Dustin & Kandice) – Solid players. These two could really be the first all female team to win The Amazing Race. They made a bit of a mistake not filling up their camel feed bags all the way on the challenge, but hey, they recovered – and fast. I’m anxious for next week. I think they’re my new favorite team. *ESPECIALLY* when I saw them in the preview fighting with the Moms. 😉

Rob and Kimberly
LAST WEEK – 3rd, arrived at 1:42am
Rob & Kimberly – Okay, who parachuted in Doctor Phil when I wasn’t looking? I think she realized she’s stupid and he realized he’s a jerk and they’re both okay with it. When they don’t argue they run a solid race. Figures.

Lyn and Karlyn
LAST WEEK – 5th, arrived at 2:03am
Moms (Lyn & Karlyn) – Allied with the Coalminers and the Cho Brothers. It’s like they have six heads instead of two. It is a *great* alliance for them since in the end they won’t hesitate one second to slit the other team’s throats. I’m not sure anymore if I want *them* out first or the Cho brothers for being so freaking stupid. But, once again, I’ll save that for their recap…

Erwin and Godwin
LAST WEEK – 4th, arrived at 1:53am
Erwin & Godwin – Finally. The Cho Brothers recap. WTF are you two guys doing?!?! You guys aren’t channeling The Hippies from last season – you’re channeling Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie from The Simple Life. Geez, guys. Do you remember anything in the application for The Amazing Race about it being a *RACE* and maybe something about a *MILLION DOLLAR PRIZE*??? Ten minutes ahead of the Moms at the beginning and… you wait for them. Yeah, that’s *exactly* what I would do. The Moms and the Coalminers follow you guys to the first stop and you let both of them get a place in line for the detour ahead of you. Umm… Yup, I’m sure I’d do that too. Then – in last place – you help bluff the other teams from taking the fast forward, walk out with the Coalminers, and then give them the fast forward – because they really need it. Umm… Why not just write them a check guys? But hey, you’re right, I’d do that too. Was that enough ignorance for one episode? Nope. You tell the Moms – when you are ahead of them – where to find a shop in a very confusing Kuwait market. You also give up any confidence of your own in finding the challenge and decide to *follow* the Moms because you figure they know where they’re going. Umm guys, you do know that they usually follow you, right? You finally break off on your own but it was too late, they beat you. Well, that’s incorrect really. You beat yourselves. Go home guys. It’s sickening to think I applied for this race with my brother and we’re sitting at home writing about it while you f*ck it all up.

Tyler and James
LAST WEEK – 6th, arrived at 3:37am
Ex-Addict Models (Tyler & James) – Hmm… thinking back, these guys seem to have pretty bad luck traveling or I think they’d place a lot better. Aside from that, when they don’t talk about being ex-drug-addicts they’re pretty likable for pretty-boy models and I’d like to see them stay in this race until the end. Cute quote I wanted to point out. One of the models – I can’t really tell them apart – points out while driving around Kuwait (which unfortunately they did way too much of since they spent so much time being lost) that “Gas must be pretty cheap out here.” 😉 Kick it in gear next leg guys. Three weeks of sixth place won’t cut it.

Who got kicked off?

Peter and Sarah
LAST WEEK – 1st, arrived at 12:54am
Peter & Sarah – You know what? They didn’t come on the race to win a million dollars. They came on the race to see if they could be a couple. They bickered their way through this leg of the race and were more in last place than the coalminers were last week. But they won, really. They found the answer to their question. A resounding NO. Peter, being politically correct, “We’re good friends, not a couple.” Sarah, being honest – sitting alone at the end where normally both couples are together for the final interview – “He’s not nurturing or kind.” I’m glad you saw that Sarah, or you really were handicapped, and not because of the leg. The *individual* futures for these two? Let me get out my crystal ball. Peter – Your current patients saw you on the show and decided you should stick to machines that don’t have *any* human parts attached. Put in that resume for robot-repair at Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean ride. Sarah – Any prosthetic doctors out there? Give the girl a call – she’s in the market for a new leg-man. Who knows, maybe the two of you could end up on a couples version of Survivor… 😉

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5 Responses to The Amazing Race 10 – Episode 6 Recap

  1. TimmyJo says:

    The Cho brothers definitely are idiots. Grow up brother Cho’s. They’re like commies. The Cho brothers would make the best commies in the world. Any of their commie comrads would screw them every which way. I’d bet, if asked to bend over, the Cho brothers would gladly do it. It’s wacky that ‘the amazing race’ let these softies run the race. They’re screwing up the race, majorly.

  2. Scott Cramer says:

    TimmyJo! ROCK ON! See you in anger managment on Wednesday nights in place of Lost!

  3. Scott Cramer says:

    TimmyJo – My girlfriend said it sounded like I was crack’n on ‘ya. If so, Buddy Jesus says sorry! I truly appreciate the frustration you’re channeling at the Cho’s. Perhaps some Hippy karma-stream will carry this to them in their sleep and aid them in not being commie wuss’s – to borrow your labeling. 😉

  4. Zach says:

    I loved this episode. It was hilarious when Peter was so confident that he found the Detour, but it turned out to be the Fast Forward. 😛

    However, are you sure you got the arrival times from the last leg correct? As far as I can remember, Peter and Sarah had arrived in the middle of the day, not 1 AM.

  5. Scott says:

    Lol, Dude that was so many years ago, I have to take a time machine back. I still love The Amazing Race but stopped writing about it here due to time constraints and lack of blog focus. Maybe someday again. This was a fun season, though. How did you stumble across this little pebble of history?

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