Sinister Angel Costume from Doctor Who

This woman did a FANTASTIC job on this costume. She made it from the episode Blink but it is very current now with The Angels Take Manhatten episode. She was nice enough to provide an entire "how-to" if you want to attempt a build yourself for Halloween or a 'con.

#doctorwho #halloween #cosplay  

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12 Responses to Sinister Angel Costume from Doctor Who

  1. Bryan Hecht says:

    That is awesome… still trying to talk my daughter insto being an Angel… she aint going for it

  2. Bryan Hecht says:

    That is awesome… still trying to talk my daughter insto being an Angel… she aint going for it

  3. Bryan Hecht says:

    I wasnt going to put that much work into it though lol

  4. Bryan Hecht says:

    I wasnt going to put that much work into it though lol

  5. LAURIE WADE says:

    Zo. Ma. Gerd!  O.O

  6. LAURIE WADE says:

    Zo. Ma. Gerd!  O.O

  7. Micah Weltsch says:

    Dude! She got to strangle Jewel Staite for a photo op! That's awesome!!!

    (I love Kaylee, it's just awesome that the actress played along with it)

  8. Micah Weltsch says:

    Dude! She got to strangle Jewel Staite for a photo op! That's awesome!!!

    (I love Kaylee, it's just awesome that the actress played along with it)

  9. Bryan Beck says:

    I really wanted to see someone cosplay this since I saw them the first time. That is awesome!

  10. Bryan Beck says:

    I really wanted to see someone cosplay this since I saw them the first time. That is awesome!

  11. Dirk Reul says:

    This , this is perfection! 

  12. Dirk Reul says:

    This , this is perfection!

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