Scrambled Egg "Dogs"

A little light on groceries, plus wanted to use up some hot dog buns before they got stale. So… scrambled eggs in a bun! The one on the left has jalapeño cherry salsa (courtesy of the wonderful +Adam Tyler and +Kelly Tyler) and the right is classic mustard and ketchup. Barbeque chips for the comfort food win. 😉

#thingsinmybuns #foodporn?
Scrambled Egg “Dogs”

A little light on groceries, plus wanted to use up some hot dog buns before they got stale. So… scrambled eggs in a bun! The one on the left has jalapeño cherry salsa (courtesy of the wonderful +Adam Tyler and +Kelly Tyler) and the right is classic mustard and ketchup. Barbeque chips for the comfort food win. 😉

#thingsinmybuns #foodporn

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26 Responses to Scrambled Egg "Dogs"

  1. LaDonna Pride says:

    actually looks REALLY good!

  2. Kelly Tyler says:

    Bachelor Chow. Yum.

  3. Scott Cramer says:

    For a silly throw together, they were quite tasty! 😛

  4. LaDonna Pride says:

    +Kelly Tyler is it still "bachelor chow" if it is not served on a paper plate?

  5. Kyla Myers says:

    Dangit, I never got to try those. sob

  6. Roxy Roadrunner says:

    Thanks for sharing this post. Means we don't have to stop at fast food this could not have taken very long at all to fix. (Scrambled egg dogs) going to try it sounds yummy.+ Scott Cramer

  7. Scott Cramer says:

    Swanky bachelor chow on the fine china! I like my orange juice in a wine glass too! 😉

  8. Kelly Tyler says:

    Please don't get me wrong, I LOVE bachelor chow. Preferably in front of the telly watching Futurama.

  9. Rob Go says:

    Would bang.

  10. Scot Duke says:

    I could see this being GOOD.

  11. Rob Go says:

    There's two! I'd bang twice.

  12. Kari Tedrick says:

    Ummm you spelled chili dogs wrong…
    The scrambled eggs on the bun, yes, but the choice of toppings almost made me lose my own dinner.

  13. Scott Cramer says:

    +Kari Tedrick No way! Yum!

  14. Tony Love says:

    Hot dog buns are great for PB&J, too!

  15. Scott Cramer says:

    +Tony Love Nice 🙂

  16. Patty Rose says:

    One of my pregnancy cravings were scrambled egg dogs, with Bullseye BBQ sauce, fried onions, and cheese; with fresh cut homefries.

  17. Patty Rose says:

    (any by "one of", I mean that's what.I ate 2-3x/day for almost three months.?)

  18. Scott Cramer says:

    that sounds AWESOME!!!

  19. Ann Foushee says:

    Wow!  Those look terrific!!  Gotta have chips, that's a given!!  LOL

  20. Patty Rose says:

    +Scott Cramer in hindsight it was missing bacon. But so good. There's something magical about eggs and Bullseye/dark BBQ.

  21. Kyla Myers says:

    So what you're saying is that +Scott Cramer is pregnant? 

  22. Patty Rose says:

    Well, he does have this sort of glow about him.

  23. Kyla Myers says:

    That's probably the toxic fumes emanating from his bowels after consuming this meal.

  24. Jo Lane says:

    I have no words; seriously dude, check out the cook book I gave you 😛

  25. Scott Cramer says:

    +Patty Rose Always bacon! I was too lazy to fix the bacon. Sigh!

    +Kyla Myers Why toxic fumes? This was quite tasty. Just repurposed into buns!

    +Jo Lane I intend to! Grocery day first!!! 😀

  26. Kyla Myers says:

    Sowwy, Scott, I was just teasing. 🙂

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