Old School Who Girls

Let's not forget that Doctor Who, and the Who Girls, existed before the series reboot! Remember Nyssa, Tegan, Romana, Leela, and the rest? Check the link below if you are interested in the old school Who Girls calendar for 2013.



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10 Responses to Old School Who Girls

  1. William Billman says:

    Doctor Who never "rebooted" the new series is a continuation of the old series.

  2. William Billman says:

    Doctor Who never "rebooted" the new series is a continuation of the old series.

  3. Scott Cramer says:

    Okay, +William Billman, Doctor Who, the storyline, did not reboot, it continued. However, Doctor Who, the franchise, I think rebooted.

  4. Scott Cramer says:

    Okay, +William Billman, Doctor Who, the storyline, did not reboot, it continued. However, Doctor Who, the franchise, I think rebooted.

  5. Dirk Reul says:

    Indeed, it was almost dead and the 2005 series brought it back on all levels and even elevated it.

  6. Dirk Reul says:

    Indeed, it was almost dead and the 2005 series brought it back on all levels and even elevated it.

  7. William Billman says:

    The word your looking for there is Revitalized. It still had a good following, just not much in America or the mainstream.

  8. William Billman says:

    The word your looking for there is Revitalized. It still had a good following, just not much in America or the mainstream.

  9. Scott Cramer says:

    Agreed 🙂

  10. Scott Cramer says:

    Agreed 🙂

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