My Animated Aquarium

Thanks to #autoawesome  I have a few new animations to share with you of my aquarium. It's been set up in the new house for a couple months now and coming along nicely. The first month was pretty rough; I moved it from the apartment and all the water was pea green with micro algae blooms. Darkness and many water changes eventually conquered the problem. Over the weeks, daughter and I have slowly added fish to get where we are now. Only one fatality and two "trade in" fish for bullying.

I may have some of the counts wrong (I am going by memory) but here are the current occupants: 3 Platys, 1 Dalmatian Molly, 1 Dwarf Gourami, 7 Neon Tetras, 3 X-ray Tetras, 4 Rasbora Tetras, 2 Albino Cory Cats, 4 Red Eyed Tetras.

Darn hard to take a headcount in there. It's like The 5th Element, just with fish. 😉

Also, thanks to the folks who posted on the last tank picture I put up. The advice was very helpful in getting me where I am now! I apologize for not remembering names or looking up the post before writing this!

#aquarium   #fish  ?

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15 Responses to My Animated Aquarium

  1. Carrie Canup says:


  2. Scott Cramer says:

    +Carrie Canup This is part of my nightly nook. 🙂

  3. Jodi Kaplan says:

    Fishavision! 🙂

  4. Cyndi Q. says:

    I love to watch fishies.

  5. Scott Cramer says:

    +Cyndi Q. Me too… very relaxing. Well, when there's not a bully in the tank! I'm hoping to set up a webcam on it sometime this year. 🙂

    Also… calling +Jo Lane +David Mills +Kyla Myers +Kristi Fahlsing +Adam Tyler +Kelly Tyler who have all been here to see it in person! +Sean Cowen and +Blaine Hall looking forward to you guys coming over!

  6. Kristi Fahlsing says:

    Beautiful! Great job to you and +Maddie Cramer! 🙂

    You need another Bruce though! 🙂 He was so cool!

  7. Scott Cramer says:

    +Kristi Fahlsing Madster is not real keen on another pleco (Bruce). We do have the Gourami (Steve 4). Lol 😉

  8. Kristi Fahlsing says:

    I get that. Getting him outta the aquarium was kinda icky. shivers

  9. Scott Cramer says:

    Nothing like a foot of dead pleco. Can't exactly flush that.

  10. Ann Foushee says:

    Love the auto awesome feature Scott!!  Great job. 

  11. Sean Heffernan says:

    Very cool +Scott Cramer

    You inspired me to post one of mine.

  12. Scott Cramer says:

    +Sean Heffernan Awesome tank!!!

  13. Sean Heffernan says:

    Thanks Scott. Yours too.

  14. Marijke Smit Dootson says:

    Awesome fishies!

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