I just half to post this, but you don't half to read it

Halfway through the week, I was halfheartedly checking notifications at half past the hour and about half way through I saw a notification about a half birthday. Being the half serious guy I am, I half arsed a quick post for the half day hour. Half fun with it! 😉

Dedicated to +Robert Partridge, he knows why. Special thanks to +Jo Lane for halfing me circled and keeping me fully in the know.?
I just half to post this, but you don’t half to read it.

Halfway through the week, I was halfheartedly checking notifications at half past the hour and about half way through I saw a notification about a half birthday. Being the half serious guy I am, I half arsed a quick post for the half day hour. Half fun with it! 😉

Dedicated to +Robert Partridge, he knows why. Special thanks to +Jo Lane for halfing me circled and keeping me fully in the know.

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16 Responses to I just half to post this, but you don't half to read it

  1. Tony Annechino says:

    "It's just a flesh wound!"

  2. Robert Partridge says:


  3. Lacerant Plainer says:

    Tagging +Halfdan Reschat

  4. Scott Cramer says:

    Oh man! +Lacerant Plainer, I can not believe I did not think of that!!! 😉

  5. Lacerant Plainer says:

    LOL! It was half-staring at me 😛 Me neither!!!

  6. Bruce Shark says:

    I think this post isn't half bad.

  7. Michele Messenger says:

    I just half to respond. …

  8. Scott Cramer says:


  9. Halfdan Reschat says:

    +Scott Cramer, hmpth, you really should have seized that opportunity. Good thing +Lacerant Plainer caught it. 🙂

  10. James Lamb says:

    Are you fully aware of the consequences of this half-measure?

  11. Salvador Melo says:

    I've half a mind to bisect this post. As you half heartedly mentioned you only half assed this post, I think I'll give you a bi on that. I half to mention, it was a split decision to let you side.

  12. Scott Cramer says:

    +Salvador Melo Bwahaha… Nice. Well played.

    +James Lamb Half asleep, at best. Worst?

    +Halfdan Reschat Half sorry… 😉

  13. Jim Gomes says:

    +Scott Cramer someday you'll be a wit. You're halfway there now.

  14. Scott Cramer says:

    Bwahaha! +Jim Gomes, that was a good one! Fully! We may not converse much, but you still rank at the top of my fav plussers, sir!

  15. Jim Gomes says:

    +Scott Cramer we should do another hangout soon.?

    (And thanks!) 🙂

  16. Patricia JM Hatcher says:

    lol, only you…..shakes her head…

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