I did not heed the warnings

I did not get my Cootie shot.
A simple circle circle dot dot dot
Would have staved this odd onslaught
But instead what I have wrought
Is spreading faster than it ought
This malady that I have caught
For which solutions I have sought
And come up with exactly naught
Is proving much worse than I thought
No potions or pills can be bought
For Cooties can not be uncaught
To the unaffected within earshot
Do not forget your Cootie shot
Circle circle dot dot dot

+Mz Maau's infected post: http://goo.gl/6gTcl 
+Keith Cramer's cootie shot post: http://goo.gl/Q9mD7
My cootie shot post: http://goo.gl/B8dsb

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56 Responses to I did not heed the warnings

  1. Claudio Ibarra says:


  2. Dirk Reul says:

    Yes, you got it bad. 


  3. Mz Maau says:

    I hear spraying infected areas with glitter helps.


  4. Melissa Bryan says:

    I've been resisting doing my version of the cooties shot… I'm not sure it's appropriate.  lol

  5. Dirk Reul says:


  6. Mz Maau says:

    The Plus is surprisingly resistant.  I haz a sad.

  7. Melissa Bryan says:

    Perhaps I'll stop resisting when I got home.  Since everyone is most definitely doing their shots wrong. :p

  8. Halfdan Reschat says:

    This is what you do at work?

  9. Damian Sanchez says:

    You did not heed the warnings…you reap what you sow. I'm cootie free as I type this.

  10. Scott Cramer says:

    +Halfdan Reschat Cooties are serious business. Home, work, wherever, people should heed these warnings. Although little I do at the office surprises anyone anymore, this was actually done at home. went to bed with it, figuring I would just shower it away the next morning; woke up with a blue and green forehead. Oops.

    +Melissa Bryan Bold words! Awaiting proper instruction! 😉


  11. Terrence Roberts says:

    Had cooties in the second grade. I'm immune.

  12. Scott Cramer says:

    +Terrence Roberts Mutated strain. 😉

  13. Terrence Roberts says:

    :'( that would explain the cough I've had the past few days. I'm gonna die.

  14. Mz Maau says:

    But it will be a sparkly death!

  15. Terrence Roberts says:

    Hip hip hooray.

  16. Bill Abrams says:

    +Scott Cramer Your humor is infectious.

  17. Terrence Roberts says:

    Ikr +Bill Abrams it makes you delirious.

  18. Bill Abrams says:

    +Terrence Roberts Only if you get the joke

  19. Tara Mulder says:

    If you're going to get infected, you might as well do it in style.

  20. Jo Lane says:

    Wow; that's quite the infection you've got there :S
    Have these cooties reached the British shores yet?

  21. Scott Cramer says:

    +Jo Lane Is "British shores" a euphemism? Looks down at lap…

  22. James Hamel says:

    we're doin prison tats now?

  23. Micha Fire says:

    +Scott Cramer blue and green forehead LOL now that's something I would have loved to see 😛

  24. Jo Lane says:

    Well I don't know what you call your lap-area +Scott Cramer but I was just wondering what the outbreak % in the UK is at this point in time? I'm not a fan of inoculations, or ink-oculations ;P

  25. Scott Cramer says:

    +Jo Lane Ohhh… gotcha. Yes, I have it on good authority that +Yoon-Mi Kim is a carrier.

  26. Jo Lane says:

    Darn it! I'll get my shot tonight then :S

  27. Mz Maau says:

    +Andrew Clifton-Brown is too, unfortunately, he's rather … isolated.  We really need to infect +Kev Aylett, and I should look up the status of +Darren Rye and +Anna Robertson Davis.

  28. Darren Rye says:


  29. Kev Aylett says:

    i'm immune to everything 😛

  30. Mz Maau says:

    But that makes you the perfect carrier, +Kev Aylett!

  31. Kev Aylett says:

    aaaah, I feel some time in isolation is needed armed with a baseball bat 🙂

  32. Mz Maau says:

    Awww! pouts

  33. Kev Aylett says:

    lol, I'm a last man standing kinda guy and all that 😛

  34. John Kampsen says:

    A very serious affliction, +Scott Cramer . In my case the dreaded Cooties disappeared and it now appears that it has gone to my head.

  35. Mz Maau says:

    orders truckloads of glitter, just in case…

  36. Yoon-Mi Kim says:

    Alas +Scott Cramer is correct… when I was told to have shots… I had the wrong kind of shots 🙁 I assumed alcohol would be involved…

  37. Darren Rye says:

    I take my shots with cameras.

  38. Yoon-Mi Kim says:

    +Darren Rye…golly, I guess that just shows what is forefront in our minds! I wish I'd said camera now…

    I'd also like to infect +Gaetan Fryer and +Ryan Prince as soon as possible!!

  39. Gaetan Fryer says:

    I stand affected, not infected 😉

  40. Darren Rye says:

    (am I meant to do something as someone infected?>

  41. Yoon-Mi Kim says:

    +Gaetan Fryer Wait until I see you next… (you'll get a good kicking for saying I'm sweet for starters!)

    +Darren Rye I think you're supposed to infect others…or get a cootie shot yourself.

  42. Mz Maau says:

    Infect! Infect! Infect!

  43. Anna Robertson Davis says:


    grabs biohazard suit she keeps just in case of a zombie invasions and puts it on quick-smart

    hides under the stairs


  44. Skye Delaney says:

    I think you have the Samoan version of the disease +Scott Cramer 😛

  45. Scott Cramer says:

    Does that mean I'm going to get samoa before I'm done? 😉

  46. Bill Abrams says:

    Samoa? Isn't what you have enough?

  47. John Kampsen says:

    Drum roll and rim shot, +Scott Cramer and +Bill Abrams 🙂

  48. Bill Abrams says:

    +John Kampsen We go by the stage name of "Armed and Dangerous"

  49. Skye Delaney says:

    Only if you were a Boy Scout!

  50. Scott Cramer says:

    +Bill Abrams for the win!

  51. Mz Maau says:

    giggle snort

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