How I came to be Zombie Slave Princess Leia – and – The Wonder that is Zombie Artist…

How I came to be Zombie Slave Princess Leia – and – The Wonder that is Zombie Artist Byron Rempel

It started out innocently enough when I criticized some pretty bad Star Wars cosplay in a post. +Halfdan Reschat, always on the ready to instigate some mischief, challenged me to do better. I very quickly pulled my brother +Keith Cramer into it and soon Keith and I were competing in a costume contest and the loser would have to dress up as Slave Princess Leia in an online public hangout. I lost. All the details and links to posts and video are in my profile, for the brave of heart and not weak of stomach.

Flash forward quite a bit and another mischievous friend (hello +Kyla Myers) surprised me with an anonymous zombification as part of the very talented +byron rempel's 1000 Zombies Art Project (+1000 zombies). Slave Princess Leia is proudly Zombie #178. 🙂

Flash forward some more, and I was interacting with Byron on a post talking about some of his wonderful zombie shirt designs. I asked if he could make Zombie #178 available as a shirt and by the end of the night, there it was! He tweaked the design a bit for me and put up a couple versions. The man is not only insanely talented, he is a super nice guy. I waited until the latest season of The Walking Dead premiered and both +Kristi Fahlsing and I ordered shirts. Kristi was not originally in the market for a zombie me on her chest, but she really liked the second design Byron put up. Earlier today +Kari Tedrick ordered one like Kristi's, but in purple. So, now I am not only Zombie #178, but I'm part of the Zombie #178 Army.

Thank you so much +Halfdan Reschat, +Keith Cramer, +Kyla Myers+byron rempel, and the glue that put us all together, G+ (so +Vic Gundotra gets the tag) for a wacky and fun sequence of events leading me to my new favorite shirt. I have determined since it is a zombie that it doesn't make me vain to say that. Right? 😉

#tshirtdesigns   #artistsintheplus   #zombies  

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14 Responses to How I came to be Zombie Slave Princess Leia – and – The Wonder that is Zombie Artist…

  1. Kristi Fahlsing says:

    As I look at the pic of me wearing you as the zombie Slave Princess Leia, I think to myself, that shirt is awesome! 🙂

  2. Scott Cramer says:

    The text really works on the green. I'm still a fan of the classic black, though!

  3. Halfdan Reschat says:

    Wearing a shirt with a zombified Slave Leia version of yourself is absolutely awesome.

  4. Dirk Reul says:

    It is very Scottception like 🙂

  5. Jo Lane says:

    I want to be part of the Zombie #178 Army!!!

  6. Kristi Fahlsing says:

    Yay! Then join us!! 🙂

  7. Damian Sanchez says:

    Seriously considering buying this shirt and becoming part of the zombie #178 army…first I have to find some more loose change in between the sofa cushions…

  8. Fluffy McSharkah Khan says:

    Does it come in shark sizes?

  9. Fluffy McSharkah Khan says:

    My size:

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