Google Colors Birthday Cake!

I forgot to post this picture from last month of the awesome birthday cake that +Lori Cramer (of +Keith Cramer infamy) made for me. 🙂 Even if they hadn't shown up at the restaurant with a cake carrier, I would have known something was up from the fact that both of them had multi-colored hands! lol (or, mdr for my French friends). Awesome moist cake with a raspberry filling between layers!

Thanks again guys!!!

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9 Responses to Google Colors Birthday Cake!

  1. Scott Cramer says:

    +Keith Cramer +Lori Cramer Maddie just asked me how many bottles of sprinkles do you guys buy?! 😉

  2. Elisabeth Schabus says:

    Looks … erm … interesting 😉

  3. Keith Cramer says:

    +Scott Cramer turns out they sell them in bags. We used almost an entire bag, but almost half of that ended up in the sink, on the counters, on the floor, and pretty much everywhere else.

  4. Christine Bogart says:

    Fun! That looks tasty too!

  5. Scott Cramer says:

    +Elisabeth Schabus Normally I would say blue cake would not be that appetizing from an aesthetic viewpoint. However, with all the other colors, it was aokay. Think of rainbow pops from the ice-cream man!

    +Christine Bogart Actually, quite tasty indeed. The raspberry really made it. Of course, I love raspberry so that probably helps. 😉

  6. Elisabeth Schabus says:

    +Scott Cramer Rainbow pops? I think some things we just don't have here in Europe 😉
    But then again, who of you guys would consider a pot of molten cheese you eat by turning small pieces of bread in it a tasty looking dish? btw I bet the cake was super tasty! Blue is not so bad – just serve som Romulan ale with it 😀

  7. Keith Cramer says:

    +Elisabeth Schabus We were aiming for the colors in the Google logo. We had a little problem with the blue layer though….

  8. Scott Cramer says:

    +Elisabeth Schabus Couldn't quite find the image in my head, but something like this:

  9. Elisabeth Schabus says:

    Google cake! Yay! 😀

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