G+ Monday Morning Mash-Up

+Chris Brogan Couldn't resist… please don't slash my tires! 😉


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8 Responses to G+ Monday Morning Mash-Up

  1. Scott Cramer says:

    +Tiffany Henry I haven't forgotten about you… 😉

  2. Matt Glastonbury says:

    …now you do like like Wolverine.. but yesterday I didn't agree!

  3. Caroline Evebetty says:

    excellent !!!

  4. Scott Cramer says:

    It kind of reminds me of a dating video profile if Wolverine were to hit the 'net to try and find love. 😉

    "Hi, My name is Logan, but friends — and a lot of enemies — call me Wolverine. I like cigars and drinking and sad country songs. I've recently gotten into social networking and am looking for people to join a few of my Google+ circles so we can do Hangouts. Let's see, there's Canada Circle, Mutant Circle, I Hate Cyclops Circle, Swords and Manicure Circle, and Anger Management Circle. But really, if you like Pina Coladas and walks in the rain… well, I'll probably skewer you. But otherwise, call me!"

  5. Tiffany Henry says:

    LOL! At first glance I thought this was me and I went…wha? Looking forward to what you have planned +Scott Cramer! Is it bad that i'm hella excited?

  6. Scott Cramer says:

    +Tiffany Henry Lol, no, so long as you remember I'm no Cliff Roth! I just like to play around when a picture or comment gives me an idea for something silly. Like with Chris, I've always thought the facial hair had a little Wolvie thing going, then someone else mentioned it in a thread the other day. So… couldn't resist. I would never make you into Wolverine. heheh

  7. Tiffany Henry says:

    LOL well I am looking forward to the next user mashup +Scott Cramer! These are all so much fun. Thanks for them, and the entertainment! 🙂

  8. Scott Cramer says:

    Never heard a peep from +Chris Brogan so I figure he's on a secret mission with Professor X. Naw, I know with his stream and everything on his plate, this is just more white noise. Totally cool. Just posting because this popped back up on my notifications for some reason… Not a big fan of notifications the way they are currently not working.

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