Easter Mosaic for +The Worldwide Easter Egg Hunt

Easter Mosaic for +The Worldwide Easter Egg Hunt

Last week, +Hermine Ngnomire asked if I would create a graphic for +Clayton Condon and his +The Worldwide Easter Egg Hunt project. Clayton's final project post can be found here: http://goo.gl/6bHge

With only a 100 people participating on the first year, creating a mosaic presented a bit of a challenge. Cracked it, though! (pun fully and completely intended) Since Clayton has now published it for the Egg Hunters, I wanted to share it with everyone else!

In addition to the profile images of all the participants, there are five Easter eggs hidden throughout the image. All of the hidden eggs are the same size, completely visible, and no color corrections were done on them. What's a mosaic without a little challenge?

If you click on the image, you can download the full size original to see better! Otherwise things may be a bit small.

Enjoy! Look for +The Worldwide Easter Egg Hunt next year! 🙂

#Easter #gplususermashup

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15 Responses to Easter Mosaic for +The Worldwide Easter Egg Hunt

  1. Clayton Condon says:

    Thanks again: +Scott Cramer

  2. Scott Cramer says:

    +Clayton Condon It was fun. I like a challenge. If you do it next year, more participants will make for an easier to make mosaic. 😉 Don't be a stranger!

  3. Kari Tedrick says:

    You rock +Scott Cramer !

  4. Hermine Ngnomire says:

    Great job +Scott Cramer. You really rocked it! Who knew it more of a challenge when you have less involvement than more. Cool beans!

  5. Yvan Da Silva says:

    Really cool!

  6. Clayton Condon says:

    I will definitively have more next year. Apparently, many people added the page and did not add an egg. I only counted the people with eggs 😉

  7. Scott Cramer says:

    +Clayton Condon Every project improves with the completion and knowledge of the last project! It was a good idea and I'm sure next year more people will catch the buzz on it. 😉

  8. Scott Cramer says:

    Tag +matthew rappaport +Tiffany Henry just in case you feel like looking for a couple eggs. 😉

  9. Bobbi Jo Woods says:

    Great job, you guys!

  10. Scott Cramer says:

    The project was all Mister +Clayton Condon. I was just the free help. 😉

  11. Bobbi Jo Woods says:

    +Scott Cramer yep, he was. I remember him asking awhile back for me to take part. Kudos, +Clayton Condon 🙂

  12. Scott Cramer says:

    I came in at the tail end. Would be fun to work on something with 'ya sometime. 😉 Mostly I seem to just bump into 'ya here and there.

  13. Kristi Fahlsing says:

    +Scott Cramer Awesome job…as always! 🙂

  14. Keith Cramer says:

    Well done bro. Nice concept +Clayton Condon

  15. Mathew Hanley says:

    Cheers for this love it, found my self straight away 😀

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