Dad feeds baby

Mr. Mom takes care of 15-month old daughter – Scene One:

(wife) “You fed her plums!?”

(me) “What!? It was in the cabinet!”

(wife) “There’s all kinds of fruits in the cabinet! You chose plums!?”

(me) “It was a dark color. I got bored with all the other ones.”

(wife) “You’re choosing by color?”

(me) “Umm… It’s not like it was prunes or anything! Geez.”

[for the adolescent-challenged, certain fruits process rapidly through the baby digestive system, exiting unpleasantly along with anything else inside ready to be expelled]

(wife) !

(me) “Oh, yeah…”

[note for any other Mr. Mom’s – prunes gotta come from somewhere… doh!]

(wife) “Prunes (Plums) – Unplug. Bananas – Plug.”

(me) “You really ought to color code these things! A little brown sticker on all the “unpluggables” would help!”

(me) “Get it? Brown sticker… Ha!”

(me) “Hey, where ‘ya going??? Hey, come back!”

(me) “Umm… If it’s the sticker thing, we can use markers……..”

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