Concession Speech!

Sorry it took a few, but I kind of thought a picture was worth a thousand words! Congratulations brother Keith and Team Keith! The Hail Mary play in the final moments was pure genius! +Mike Elgan, The Force is strong with you!

Tomorrow I shall face The Death of a Thousand Condiments with dignity and the irony that I purchased them all this evening. As the honey, marshmallow cream, peanut butter, syrup, and myriad of other foul and sticky substances cover me, I shall look back upon this journey and think, "Curse you Mike Elgan!" 😉

I will drip, stick, and ooze (literally) with pride for the efforts of Team Scott, nay, for the efforts of BOTH teams, who are truly some of the most awesome and engaging G-plussers of any circle count.

Barring a toxic mixture of discount condiments that either removes me from this plane of existence or gives me super-powers (please! please!) I shall return to interact with all of you soon!

Scott "Is it too late to make this The Death of Three Condiments?" Cramer

Keith FTW:


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25 Responses to Concession Speech!

  1. Jim Gomes says:

    Well played, sir. Well played.

  2. Scott Cramer says:

    Tag +Keith Cramer +Kristi Fahlsing +Jake Marquart +Damian Sanchez

  3. Holland Rhodes says:

    The truth is that everyone won, well except you. I've heard a rumour that kerosene and matches are being added to the collection of condiments.

  4. Jim Gomes says:

    And much thanks to our Angel Investor, +Mike Elgan !

  5. Michael Erik Naesby says:

    Don't remember if I was a Jedi or a Sith…
    Well played in deed!

    BTW am I the only one who regulary uncircles Sith Elgan???

  6. Holland Rhodes says:

    +Michael Erik Naesby why do you regularly uncircle him?

  7. Scott Cramer says:

    +Michael Erik Naesby +Jim Gomes +Holland Rhodes and everyone, thank you much! At least he didn't Force choke me. 😉

  8. Michael Erik Naesby says:

    He's a bit like one of those garden plants that look quite ok if a little boring and then turns out to grow almost exponentially until it covers everything with meh…
    Sorry mr. Elgan!

  9. Scott Cramer says:

    Ah, +Michael Erik Naesby, you had to say "covers everything with meh" didn't you? {thinking upon my impending fate} 😉

  10. Kari Tedrick says:

    Hehehe……tiptoes away

  11. Michael Erik Naesby says:

    It seems that I have gained about 300 followers during your contest which is kind of …. impressive – though in an entirely non-Vaderish way….

  12. Jessica Wood says:

    Wow….the power of +Mike Elgan….Thought we had this one in the bag! Good luck +Scott Cramer! Thanks for making this fun! Can't wait for the mutual circle so I can add/share the other 50 people without being a turncoat lol

  13. James Lamb says:

    What time/zone is the condimentation?

  14. James Lamb says:

    Oh, never mind – I see 2pm EST 🙂

  15. Dustin Petersen says:

    Shenanigans I tell you! Shenanigans!!! heh 🙂

  16. Scott Cramer says:

    +Dustin Petersen You kids get offa my lawn!!! 😉

  17. Yvan Da Silva says:

    I still don't understand how we could lose :/ You were always a thousand followers ahead. pouhououou.

    Well played tough 😀

  18. Keith Cramer says:

    Maybe you should ask +Kari Tedrick … 🙂

  19. Meirav Berale says:

    Yikes! he pulled an Elgan on you? I guess all is fair in love and sibling condiment wars.

  20. Damian Sanchez says:

    Dood, I'm so sorry you didn't win. I shall try not to lol when photographic/video evidence of your Death Of A Thousand Condiments is posted.

  21. Amanda Rachelle Warren says:

    Good show, fellow Team Scottians. It was a close race, which only goes to prove that all of us are awesome. +Scott Cramer I vow to spill some ketchup on myself for solidarity (although, knowing me I'd have spilled it anyway).

  22. Mike Elgan says:

    Another win for the power of the dark side!

  23. Kim Crawford says:

    +Scott Cramer it could have gone either way!Happy Saturday and hello to new circlers!!

  24. Kaydie Wells says:

    I've got two words for you: BORAT SWIMSUIT

  25. James Lamb says:

    I haven't done a hang-out before – is it time? I presume you will invite all the circles? Is that how it works?

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