Picture Caption Needed

I walked out of my office and this is how I saw brother +Keith Cramer at the computer.

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43 Responses to Picture Caption Needed

  1. Damian Trasler says:

    My monitor is supposed to work portrait style. But of course, it doesn't.

  2. Scott Cramer says:

    Download an app called Pivot Pro. I think it runs $20.

  3. Mellie B says:

    "My monitors are to distract you from my hoard of stolen Sharpies."

  4. Damian Trasler says:

    No, it's because of all the crap we keep stacked up underneath it. Seriously, it would be carnage and chaos if I tried to swing it around….. No app to fix that….

  5. Tony Miller says:

    When Kevin Smith said "ViewAskew" this isn't what he meant. Damn impressionable kids.

  6. Scott Cramer says:

    Hehe… 😉

  7. Mellie B says:

    +Damian Trasler http://goo.gl/CsUXe
    <innocent whistle>

  8. Scott Cramer says:

    "See! Look at the spreadsheet. Costs are trending down."

  9. Damian Trasler says:

    +Mellie B Ha ha ha! Great find! Lucky for me I'm in Canada, can't get things from Google Play, and only have one android device – my Kindle Fire, which won't let me install apps (See previous remarks regarding living in Canada..)

  10. Chad Wilson says:

    "The new Picasso interface for Windows requires that users may have to re-orient their monitors for correct viewing."

  11. Mellie B says:

    I live in Canada and it says it's available for me. Must just be device-related 🙁

    and perhaps I should download it >_> …. for no particular reason at all

  12. Melissa Fisher says:

    "See bro, this is the best way to check G+ and watch your stocks fall at the same time."

  13. Chad Wilson says:

    If he keeps it like that too long, some of the pixels might fall out the side of his monitor.

  14. Charlie Hoover says:

    'Diamond View' is the new portrait… All the cool kids are doing it…

  15. Keith Cramer says:

    yeah… what +Charlie Hoover said! +Mellie B, I'm not trying to distract anyone from anything…oh, and… quick, look at this, it's important: http://goo.gl/c7YIB

  16. Mellie B says:

    think i'm falling for that AGAIN?

  17. Bryan Beck says:

    I used to do similar things when I had to compare huge spreadsheets side by side… But not diagonal.

  18. Mar Mai says:

    It's what all the cool kids are doing!! Like putting their boom boxes on their shoulders!! It's the "rage"!!

    But how are you able to work like that +Keith Cramer?!! XD it's awesome!

  19. Kimberly Chapman says:

    "Proof that you can play too much Tetris."

  20. Mar Mai says:

    +Kimberly Chapman yes!!!! XD

  21. Andrew Clifton-Brown says:

    After two bottles of wine, the monitor needs adjhusting… hic.

  22. Micha Fire says:

    just a little tilt of the head and all is straight 

    actually that's a neat way fro looking at charts – diagonal is better than damn straight

  23. Charlie Hoover says:

    Anytime I see something at that angle all I can think of is the evil lairs from Batman…=)

  24. Marcus Holloway says:

    Fort Wayne had an earthquake, Keith didn't notice

  25. Jim Gomes says:

    Scott told him to go balance the spreadsheet.  So he did.


  26. Scott Cramer says:

    +Jim Gomes has my favorite!!!

  27. Jim Gomes says:

    Or as a caption, "Scott said it would take me half an hour to balance that spreadsheet. What an idiot."

  28. Scott Cramer says:


  29. Keith Cramer says:

    +Mar Mai Everyone always says I'm a little off balance, so it fits!

    +Marcus Holloway I have incredible focus!

    +Jim Gomes  snicker.

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